Mar 012022

When a racist who advocates for the enslavement of other races and the destruction of her own society is grievously and permanently wounded by one of “her own people,” how should other people feel about it? Especially when “her own people” refuse to help the police investigate the attack, leading to those who did it getting off scot-free? Before you answer… consider an alternate case where a Klansman or a neo-Nazi gets almost-whacked by one of their fellows. Who would be too upset about that?

Charges dropped against suspects accused of shooting British BLM leader after witnesses refuse to cooperate

As a reminder, this is who she was and what she advocated for:

The linked article starts off with a photo of her in her hospital bed. I’m no brainologist but I can say with some fair certainty that her days of rabble-rousing have definitely come to a serious slowdown.

Moral of the story: get your priorities straight. Shrieking about a kind of violence so rare that it makes international news when it happens, when get capped in the head by your own associates is an everyday possibility, seems an unwise expenditure of effort.


 Posted by at 7:12 pm