Feb 222022

The one where it is claimed that Sonequa Martin-Green’s character of Michael Burnham is loudly touted as the first black female captain in the Star Trek franchise…

And yet…

Star Trek IV gave us the Captain of the Yorktown:

Star Trek: the Next Generation gave us Captain Tryla Scott:

Star Trek: The Next Generation gave us Captain Silva La Forge:

Star Trek: The Next generation gave us Fleet Admiral Taela Shanthi. OK, not a Captain, but I imagine “Captain” is in her bio somewhere unless she skipped a few steps:

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine gave us Kassidy Yates. Sure, she wasn’t a Starfleet Captain… but she OWNED HER OWN SHIP:


I guess it should not be surprising that major figures in the worst of the Star Trek series cannot be bothered to remember Star Trek canon and precedent… the writers of STD cannot remember their *own* continuity.

 Posted by at 8:53 am