Feb 202022

This seems like *maybe* a bit much for home defense. But I’m not gonna judge.

The AR 500 From Big Horn Armory — Half Inch Holes

The 500 Auto Max round compared to a 5.56. Note that the itty-bitty 5.56 is often called “high power” by political hacks; imagine what they’d think of the larger round. Nine rounds fit in a magazine that would approximately fit 20 rounds of 5.56. Big and powerful as the round is, it appears to be short range only, losing a lot of velocity pretty quickly. Not surprising since its aerodynamics seem to more closely approximate that of a cannonball than a bullet. Twenty rounds seems like it’ll set you back fifty to seventy bucks, so unless you’ve got a financial agreement with the Chinese like the Bidens, make sure you hit where you’re aiming. A rifle itself runs about two grand. Seems like it’d be fun on the range.


 Posted by at 3:55 pm