Feb 182022

Another hour on the line with tech support *seems* to have cleared up a few issues… the error message *should* be gone (a plugin to measure statistics is screwed up somehow, so I had to ditch it), the header image *should* be back (a problem caused by the *last* problem, with the HTTS-HTTP thing). A potential issue remains of some people apparently not able to access the Disqus commenting. I don’t know how widespread that is, but I do know comments are reduced of late. Could be any number of explanations for that, of course. Today’s HTTPS fix *might* fix the Disqus issue, dunno.

If you can comment, great (especially if you recently *couldn’t* but now can, lemme know). If not, maybe drop me an email or, if you’re so inclined, tweet about it at my (gah) twitter.


 Posted by at 1:52 pm