Feb 102022

Behold Juliette Kayyem:

Juliette N. Kayyem (born August 16, 1969) is a former bureaucrat, author and host of the WGBH podcast The SCIF.[1] She serves as a national security analyst for CNN and is a weekly guest on Boston Public Radio. She is the Belfer Lecturer in International Security at the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard and a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Pacific Council on International Policy. She is a former candidate for Governor of Massachusetts[2] and a former Boston Globe columnist, writing about issues of national security and foreign affairs for the op-ed page.

This genius, this pinnacle of human enlightenment and intellectual achievement, has this to say about Canadian truckers:

For starters, I’m not sure how great an idea it is for a US government lackey to be suggesting that a neighboring nation attack its own citizens. For second, she wants to slash the tires and drain the fuel tanks of trucks on a bridge… and *then* remove the trucks from the bridge.

Tell me you’re a fascist without telling me you’re a fascist…

 Posted by at 6:23 pm