Feb 022022

Scot posted ‘only good Brit soldier is a deed one’ and ‘burn auld fella’ after Captain Tom death

In short: A Scottish guy posted nasty opinions after the death of an elderly British solider of some note. This is not news, of course; whenever anyone of *any* note dies, you’re going to have all manner of people loudly posting all manner of classless stuff (example: just imagine what the internet-tubes will be filled with when Hillary! or Gropey Joe or Ted Cruz or Donald Trump keel over). But Britain has decided that saying nasty stuff like “burn in Hell” is now a criminal offense, as the poster has been convicted of posting a “grossly offensive” statement, and will be sentenced in March.

This opens an *astounding* door into legal chaos in Britain. The BBC will now likely take their already shockingly censored reporting of the waves of gang rapes and industrial-scale grooming of British girls by foreign colonizers and probably just not report on it at all, for fear that they will be brought up on charges of offending the criminal class and their enablers. Anyone who says *anything* against race rioters or who complains that British history is being re-written will also likely face legal assault.

It is just barely possible that this legal tactic will be used against  those who would erase the British from British history, but I wouldn’t bet on it. Still, “grossly offensive” is such a wishy-washy foundation upon which to base criminal cases, it’s at least conceivable that those who argue online that such-and-such figure from British history was racists and needs to be canceled, their statues torn down and their name scrubbed off buildings, might find themselves in the dock.

 Posted by at 12:43 pm