Dec 152009

Live coverage:

Currently taxiing.



Up up and away.










Landing is supposed to take place at 3 PM Seattle time.

 Posted by at 12:23 pm

  18 Responses to “Boeing 787 first flight minutes away”

  1. “Суперджет” форева!

  2. Explain to me again WHY the world needs a plane so large it can only use certain airports? I just don’t get it.

  3. Hurray for Boeing!

  4. I can’t belive, finally a brand new Boeing!!!
    Auguri Boeing!!!!!!!!!!

  5. > a plane so large it can only use certain airports…

    This does not describe the 787.

  6. Those wings are… bird-like. For some reason it reminds me of a killer whale.

  7. I think it may hold the record for dihedral on a airliner.
    Even on the ground, that’s a hell of a upsweep on the wings.

  8. So, if it is no bigger than a 767 what is the big deal? Just another plane that will fly 1/2 filled. Wow, just what is needed.

  9. I see the T-33 is still flying chase duties.

  10. The big deal is the amount of composite materials being used in the construction. It makes the 787 considerably lighter and more fuel-efficient than previous airplanes of similar capacity. They were also working on new ways to run the supply chain and assembly line, though those didn’t work out so well, as witnessed by the delays in the production.

  11. Sorry, it can be built out of rainbows and unicorn farts, it is still a complete waste of resources and effort. All the things listed have ALREADY been done. Mega-planes are not the wave of the future. Ask Howard Hughes.

  12. What the *hell* are you talking about? The 787 is not a “mega plane.” It’s a mid-sized jetliner. Substantially smaller than the A380, 747 and the 777.

  13. Nice chart. So the A350 has similar wings.

  14. The weather was so crappy that I’m surprised they flew at all; even then the flight had to be cut a bit short. I live in the south Seattle area and wanted to see the takeoff in person as I’ve done for the C-5, Shuttle and 777, but not in pouring rain. The wings do seem particularly bendy, but since they’re rely composite they may be particularly so; extreme crosswind landings could be especially interesting.

  15. Sorry, if it no bigger than a 767 what is the big deal? Another plane that will trundle through the sky 1/2 filled and losing money. Another waste.

  16. 767’s are old. What, should airlines still be bombing around in DC-3’s? The 787 is supposed to be a far less costly plane to fly, and thus it makes sense for airlines to chuck their old fuel hogs and buy new more efficient planes.

    What year is *your* car?

  17. Scott, Dave G. is selected to be the pilot to write the flight manual for the 787. I guess we could make a true scale model using Carbon Fiber for the model

  18. The second 787 airframe is to make its first flight on Dec. 22nd. Hopefully it’ll get more time in the air with the better weather forecast and cover more of the full set of exercises.

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