Jan 212022

The world can usually be approximated to adequate accuracy with a small number of generally simply equations. Go this fast off a ramp at that angle, you will get so high, and land at such a distance. Easy. *Precise* trajectory can be calculated with more inputs… drag calculations, usually, adjustments for wind, that sort of thing. But for first approximations, the math is pretty easy.

Life is hard when you choose not to do the math.

Feel free to either wince or laugh. Either’s good. Both are good.

Shockingly, the guy didn’t die. At least not that time. But he did learn an important lesson: not doing the math *and* not having insurance? Why, that adds up to a million dollars in medical bills.


But his record seems to indicate a lack of foresight. A prior set of “stunts” that resulted in… well, reality, good and hard.


 Posted by at 11:39 pm