Jan 152022

After more than a year of the Democrats and their media lapdogs shrieking about “insurrection” at the Mostly Peaceful Protest in D.C., *finally* some charges have been filed that, if carried through to conviction, would bear out in at least a handful of cases the Dems claims. But there are numerous issues with the charges, as discussed here:

Seditious Conspiracy: A Look at the New January 6 Oath Keepers Charges

In a way this could be an important historical point, somewhat in the way the Rittenhouse case was. In that case, it was a clear and obvious case of self defense; had the prosecutors convinced the jurors to convict, the entire concept of “self defense” would have potentially been deleted from practical consideration. In this latest set of charges, it appears that the whole case rests on some nuts blathering on in Internet Badass Mode. If convictions are made in this case, then, with  a change in Administrations and priorities, a whole bunch of Lefties who blather on it exactly the same sort of way could find their tweets coming back to haunt them for the next 20 years in FPMITA prison. “First Amendment? Never heard of it.”


The words of the seditious conspiracy law – using force to “prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States” or to “seize, take, or possess any property of the United States” – may be broad enough to sweep in certain kinds of civil disobedience, disruptive protests at the Capitol and elsewhere, and plans to resist mass arrests.

Take any property of the United States. Could that be whittled down to “Joe Antifa stole an FBI guy’s jacket, which is property of the United States. Ten years!” I don’t know. But it’s hardly impossible. Could it have applied to the insurrectionists who stormed the Capitol and the Supreme Court to prevent the appointment of Justice Kavenaugh? I dunno, but it doesn’t seem impossible. Anyone who blocks access to a military base, or throws rocks at an FBI office, or shrieks at a snowflake government official like AOC could be charged under these rules.

 Posted by at 4:17 pm