Jan 082022

Some movies currently streaming for free (well, “free” once you get past paying for the streaming services):

“Real Genius” is now streaming on Hulu and Paramount Plus. For some reason this movie has not been released on Blu Ray, only DVD and VHS. If you haven’t seen it… why the frak not? if you have seen it, and especially if you are in the age group it was meant for (those roughly near college age in the mid 80’s), and especially if you are of a scientific mindset, it’s almost certainly got a special place in your heart. The attention to an attempt at scientific plausibility, the treatment of smart people as diverse, the production designs by Ron Cobb… Jordan. Jordan.

“Starflight One: the Plane That Couldn’t Land” was a *wholly* ridiculous 1983 TV film starring the Six Million Dollar Man as a jetliner pilot in what could have been the ultimate expression of the “Airport” series of aviation disaster movies, had it been branded as such. In short, the maiden flight of a US-to-Australia hypersonic transport goes wrong and the aircraft ends up in *orbit.* The math ain’t right, the ultimate solution is silly beyond belief, and the idea that NASA could turn around the Shuttle Columbia in a *day*? Snerk. Still, it’s a freakin’ *hoot.* The design of the HST, and the actual execution of the miniature, is far better than a movie-of-the-week would suggest. Currently on Paramount Plus.

“SST: Death Flight” is really rather awful. It’s a 1977 TV movie, with Americas first SST suddenly losing control Because Reasons. The SST appears to be a Lockheed L-2000 model, but with the L-2000’s nacelles cut off and 747 nacelles added on. This looks ridiculous; it seems to have been done so that a few external shots could be filmed at the passenger entrance of a 747 looking aft. You can make out the wings and clearly see the turbofans, but you can’t see the fuselage. So I *guess* you can assume that the real aircraft you’re seeing is the SST. Note: it’s a TV movie, so imagine my surprise when beeeewwwwbs suddenly make an appearance, a scene that was added for foreign showings. The production values are everything that “Starflight One” ain’t. It’s worth pointing and laughing at. Currently on Amazon Prime.

“Strategic Air Command” is on Amazon Prime. If you don’t know about this movie… holy frak, what are you doing here? Go get you some SAC and behold the *glorious* B-36 and B-47 footage.

“Blue Thunder” is currently on Amazon Prime. The LAPD gets themselves an Aerospatiale Gazelle that sexually identifies as an attack helicopter.

“Prophesy:” a 1979 eco-horror flick about a skinless bear on a rampage. I haven’t seen this since… well, 1979. So now that it’s on Hulu, I’m going to go take a look when I get a chance. I vaguely recall it as being an effective horror movie; but as I was just a kid at the time, I bet a modern viewing will not stand up well. But hey, why not.


What else we got?

 Posted by at 3:52 pm