Jan 052022

This seems a dubious situation… a guy was flying along in his 1940’s Taylorcraft plane when the engine stopped… so within seconds he bailed out. The plane glided to a crash in the California mountains, fortunately missing humans and structures and not starting any fires. Interestingly, the guy had a *lot* of GoPro cameras on his plane. Lots of footage. It sure looks like he did this on purpose.

if he did this intentionally, I gotta believe he’s on the hook for *lot* of charges. If he did this honestly, I gotta believe the FAA and NTSB are gonna jump all over him for being rather incompetent. Bailing out that fast from an aircraft that seems to be flying well and at reasonably high altitude? He barely had time to register what was going on before jumping out.

 Posted by at 12:15 am