Dec 132021

The most toxic creatures are typically brightly colored. This makes sense: their defense comes from your reluctance to touch them, not from their ability to fight you or defend themselves. Any animal ignorant enough to go after a dart frog or a blue ringed octopus will certainly kill it, only dying later from the various toxins. Those toxins won’t have done the frog or the octopus any good, so they brightly advertise “don’t approach, crazy dangerous toxicity here” by way of coloration, also known as”aposematism.”

Humans do it too. Example:

Police: Instacart driver ran over groceries over ‘Thank You Blaine PD’ sign

Short form: an Instacart driver destroyed an elderly couples $50 worth of groceries after having claimed to have delivered them because the customer had a “we support the police” sign in the front yard. That’s nuts. Fortunately, the toxic creature in question has adopted coloration meant to warn people from approaching too closely:

I don’t use Instacart, so I don’t know if it sends you a photo of the driver before you order. If so, the presence of dangerhair on your driver should be a big warning sign. The presence of dangerhair on *anyone* should be a warning sign. Avoid dangerhair at all costs. This includes hiring and dating, unless you have a burning desire to see your business, home, property, life savings and quite possibly your immune system go up in flames.

For those interested in helping out the victims of the dangerhair in question, there is, of course, a GoFundMe.

 Posted by at 3:38 pm