Nov 182021

You know what I was thinking the world needed just now? A smallpox outbreak.

Philadelphia lab briefly locked down after worker finds ‘smallpox’ vials in freezer

Smallpox is *supposed* to exist only at the CDC in Georgia and an equivalent facility in Moscow. The fact that samples of it *may* exist elsewhere is bad. That samples may exist elsewhere under virtually no security whatsoever? Oh, that’s just magnificent.

“For the general public there is no basis for being worried, even a small amount,” Ebright said.

Well, I’m relieved.

Pretty sure I got the smallpox vaccine when I was a kid. I have doubts that it’d be all that effective all this time later. But even if it remained 100% effective, it has been *decades* since smallpox vaccination was a thing, and I shudder to imagine the inconvenience of having to step over the corpses of Millenials and Gen Z’ers scattered all over the place. Just the *smell*… yeesh, it’d be like an Antifa/Juggalo love-in.

 Posted by at 11:59 am