Nov 152021

China certainly seems to be in ascendance, while the US is definitely in decline. The latter fact does not need to be true, but we, like the British Empire before us, are allowing it to happen. When the US fades, *someone* (or several someones) will certainly attempt to step in and fill the void. The void will be one of power, of course, economic and military. but it will also be one of culture… views on individual liberty, cultural norms, ethics and so on. Anyone who can fill the military/economic void will bring their culture with them, and there’s not a reason in the entire universe why their culture needs to be as enlightened as America’s has been.

So, if you’re happy to see the US back off, get ready for *this* on a global scale:

Health workers in China are killing pets while their owners are in quarantine

In one case, a dog owner named Ms Fu witnessed through her home security camera as people clothed in hazmat suits entered her home and beat her pet corgi to death with iron rods while she was away in a quarantine facility. She tested negative for the coronavirus.

Sure, the fifty million – or more – Chinese dead at the hands of the Chinese Communist Party is certainly a bigger deal than minor functionaries killing pets. But somehow modern campus leftists and ChiCom apologists seem perfectly happy to wave away the deaths of mere *humans;* after all, the only thing worse for the Earth than humans are white cishet capitalist humans, and a lot of lefties would be perfectly happy to see a lot of *that* *type* exterminated. But puppies and kittens? A little harder to gloss over murdering *them.*

And of course there’s the little problem that China is actively destroying the planet. Not only are they belching CO2 into the air at a phenomenal rate, they are dumping vast mountains of toxic garbage into the ocean… at the same time they’re stripping the oceans bare of all life. There are worse things that could happen than if Chinas fishing fleet were sent to the bottom.

Nixon opening China to the world will be seen in future centuries by the few remaining historians as one of the worst ideas in all human history. Sounded good at the time, but the unintended consequence could well be the conversion of Earth into a sparsely populated trash heap.

 Posted by at 8:12 pm