Nov 132021

America’s gun infatuation is a threat. The Supreme Court could make it worse.


I was one of 30 former national security officials to sign on to an amicus brief arguing that unrestricted access to concealable firearms poses a great threat to public safety. If states like New York are unable to restrict who may carry a concealed weapon, we will be at greater risk of gun violence, threats from foreign and domestic terrorism and political extremism.

Because current laws against concealed carry are stopping terrorists? Really? Someone who wants to carry out a political assassination will be dissuaded because he can’t get a concealed carry license, or because a place where he wants to shoot somebody has a sign on the door saying “no guns?”

The author is probably not actually so stupid as to believe what she’s saying. But she probably believes that a lot of the American public *are* that dumb. If you are on the political left or on the side of gun control… just bear in mind that people like this think you are a ᚠᚢᚳkᛁᚾᚷ moron, willing and able to believe the most patently stupid arguments imaginable. People like this use not only fearmongering, but fearmongering based on falsehoods and an utter lack of logic. They should be spurned and mocked.

 Posted by at 10:38 pm