Nov 092021

Arkham Reporter, one of the more sadly underappreciated YouTube channels, discusses matters related to H.P Lovecraft, cosmic horror, etc. Refreshingly, he has not knuckled under to the woke mob, and has put out a number of videos over the years discussing various efforts to smear, cancel, erase, mutilate or subvert Lovecraftian horror. But his latest video provides a large measure of hope that Lovecraft will be able to survive in a way that Star Wars and Star trek have not: Lovecraft is in the public domain. There is no Controller of The IP. nobody dictates canon. This means that *anyone* can write stories along the same lines as Lovecrafts; anyone can use his ideas, even his characters. Good writers or bad,  people who respect Lovecrafts work, or people who hate it and him, it’s open to all. And the only thing that elevates one story and buries another is the fandom. If your work sucks… it’s gone. HBO can crank out as many hours of nonsense where The True Monsters are not deep-sea abominations or uncaring cosmic gods… but white people. And the fandom, if it decides that that’s crap, can ignore it. HBO can’t declare their rubbish to be *the* canon. My own “War With The Deep Ones” tales can be worthy of either the Nobel or the dumpster; it’s not up to some cabal of progressive-infected corporations to decide.

 Posted by at 6:25 pm