Oct 212021

China launches, apparently, nuclear-tipped (or nuclear-capable) hypersonic glide weapons into orbit, in violation of international treaty. How does the mighty US State Department respond? Why, with Sheer Manliness, of course!

If you are as confused by “International Pronouns Day” as any rational person should be, don’t worry… they have a FAQ. And why yes, thank you for asking, the executive board members are all American  academics.

International Pronouns Day – Executive Board Members

  • Founder and Co-Chair

    • Shige Sakurai, MBA, MA (they or ze), University of Maryland

  • Co-Chair

    • Crystal Huff (they), Include Better

  • Board Members:

    • Courtney D’Allaird, MBA, MA (they), University of Albany

    • Andrea Holland, MLIS (they), University of Colorado System



 Posted by at 3:55 pm