Oct 032021

Razorfist rants about the importance of “pulp” heroes, using as examples The Shadow, Zorro, Doc Savage, The Rocketeer, Solomon Kane, Philip Marlowe.


There are considerable differences between these characters. The likes of Philip Marlowe and Zorro exist in “real” worlds, devoid of magic and the supernatural or whiz-bang sci-fi technology; Solomon Kane and The Shadow are surrounded by otherworldly forces and abilities. But they share important features: in worlds of gray morality, these are Men (with a capital M) with strong, unshakable morals. They are neither monsters nor pacifists, but are willing and able to throw down with the villains they come across or indeed hunt down. They do not compromise or mollycoddle, but instead lay a severe beatdown on those who would do harm to innocents.

Imagine a Pulp Hero confronting Antifa and similar culture-wreckers. *THAT* is the movie I want to see.

 Posted by at 12:55 pm