Sep 262021

What’s better than an M41A Pulse Rifle that fires Nerf darts? An M41A that fires airsoft. And what’s better than an M41A that fires airsoft? One that fires 12 gauge and 45 ACP.


A test fire without the furniture:

Not quite complete, and with a bit of a problem ejecting the shotgun shells:

And the final product:

That looks like the *perfect* home defense weapon. Small and maneuverable, it fires two rounds that are *fantastic* for close quarters discouragement of home invasion. It’s apparently heavy, but that would seem to be less of a problem for home defense than long-term draggin’ round for combat.

As with the M41’s used in the filming of “Aliens,” this one is based on an actual Thompson. Those are heavy machined blocks of steel, and of course marrying a shotgun to it is a whole lot of inefficiency. But it seems that a modernized Thompson could be designed to take advantage of modern materials and designs; make a lot of it from titanium, for instance. This uses the standard double-stack 20-round magazine; I bet that a quad-stack magazine of the same length could be produced to raise the capacity to at least thirty rounds while still fitting within the M41A form factor.

 Posted by at 8:16 pm