Dec 062009

911 Call Released From Home Invasion Shooting

Cushing – Officials have released the 911 tape from this morning’s home invasion shooting that left an intruder dead from a shotgun blast.

It happened in Cushing, about 50 miles west of Tulsa in Lincoln County. Police say the female homeowner was awakened by her barking dog and called 911. While she was on the phone with dispatchers, police say she warned the intruder that she had a rifle.

Authorities say the intruder, identified as Billy Dean Riley, ignored the woman’s warning and threw a chair through the window. That’s when the woman opened fire.

RESIDENT – “i’ve got a big shotgun. I’m not going into a tiny bathroom…”

RESIDENT – “He’s walking around the house trying to find a way in…”

RESIDENT – “Oh crap, he’s at the back…”

911 – “Okay , (unintelligible) is advising that you can defend your property if you need to.”

911 – “I can hear him banging again.”

RESIDENT – “I don’t want to have to kill this man, but i’ll kill him graveyard dead ma’am.”

911 – “I understand.”

Reading the whole thing, it looks to be a sad story of a guy who got himself drunked up and went stupid. But as Heinlein pointed out…

Stupidity cannot be cured with money, or through education, or by legislation. Stupidity is not a sin, the victim can’t help being stupid. But stupidity is the only universal capital crime; the sentence is death, there is no appeal and execution is carried out automatically and without pity.
There is a grand total of one real victim here… the homeowner who was forced to shoot someone who chose to act the jackass. Hopefully she won’t need too much therapy, but even though some folk just need killin’, it’s not something that most people can just shrug off.

Still, that was a hell of a line.
And if you think the woman over-reacted, here’s another story from the same news source:

Reward Increased In Home Invasion Homicide

Sam Sanders was shot and killed by two masked intruders at about 4:30 a.m. on March 24th in his home near Fairland.

 Posted by at 2:46 am

  9 Responses to “Best. Line. EVAR.”

  1. Overreacted?

    Hell no.

    Today, when someone breaks into your place, you have to expect the worst. Even when you get robbed in the streets, even when you cooperate, you have to expect that you’re killed.

    She did the right thing. She had no way of knowing what was going to happen. Sure, maybe he could have been just a drunk, but he could have also been a rapist. Better safe than sorry.

  2. Having shot a few people, yea, she will certainly have a hard time dealing with it. She is ALIVE to have a hard time dealing with it, that is the point.

  3. Meanwhile, here in the Heart Of Empire (That’s England, Scott!), a few years ago, there was the case of farmer and eccentric loner (but who am i to talk?) Tony Martin. He lived alone, in a delapidated farmhouse about a 1/4 mile from any other property. He was sure he was going to be raided by burglars, so Police came and took away his shotguns. He got another shotgun, just in time to be raided by Brendan Fearon, his accomplice, and his 16 year old nephew Fred Barras, whom the two men had seen hanging about on a street corner, and had taken him along with them on a 60 mile drive to rob Mr Martin to “keep him out of mischief”. When the trio entered his house, Mr Martin opened up, in darkness, with his shotgun, wounding Fearon and killing Fred Barras. The Police came and arrested Mr Martin for murder, for which he got life imprisonment, this being cut to a 5 year sentence for manslaughter because the judge didn’t tell the jury that could could pass this lesser verdict. Parole was turned down half-way through his sentence, because he was unrepentant; the probation officer said that he “could still be a danger to burglars” (exact quote!) The Martin farm now has to be guarded around the clock by Police, because the gypsy clan to which Fearon and Barras belong have sworn vengeance. An amusing follow-up was when BBC Radio had a show with the idea of choosing a proposed new law, which a Labour MP had promised to introduce as a Private Member’s Bill – he backed out when listeners voted for a law to permit homeowners to defend themselves, because he couldn’t bring himself to vote for a law which would alllow 16 year olds to be shot dead…

  4. Europe is insane.

  5. From what is the Heinlein quote? I’d like to cite it properly. Thanks.

    What’s bad about shooting criminals and psychopaths? Can we have that explained, please?

  6. > From what is the Heinlein quote?

    From the Notebooks of Lazarus Long.

    > What’s bad about shooting criminals and psychopaths?

    That reduces the numbers of Obama voters. Can’t have that…

  7. Those are found in “Time Enough For Love”, for easy reference.

  8. I’ll grant you, Brianna, that Europe is insane for not wanting to permit homeowners to protect their property and lives. But America is not more sane. The unseen premise in that Private Member’s Bill is the same premise that curses American education: that everyone of any given age has the same social value. If that were true, the lady in Cushing would have slept well that night, and Fearon and Barras would be at a pub tonight. The dead and wounded, we can’t forget, chose to place themselves in danger.

  9. Well, not everyone who goes through the American education system suffers the curse. Though granted I keep exceptional company (buncha smartass engineers), so it’s kinda hard to say what the average person is thinking.

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