Sep 172021

A fan film set in the “Future War” of the first two Terminator films. Nothing at all resembling a plot; it seems to be a proof of concept film to see if the people working on it can replicate the look of the world  from those two movies. And while there is some definite low-budget “video game” feel to it… had this come out after Terminator or Terminator 2, we would have eaten it up.

The only Terminator big budget movie I would actually consider seeing now, after the woke disaster that was “Dark Fury,” would be one set in the proper original Future War timeline. With a good budget and modern techniques, it would be easy enough to put de-aged/deep-faked Michael Biehn as Reese, Schwarzenegger’s original Terminator and Michael Edwards as John Connor from T2 into the film.


 Posted by at 4:05 am