Sep 162021

As the government of Britain actively works to replace the English (and Welsh, and Scottish) culture with something more glitteringly diverse, old, stale notions of criminals receiving trials and punishments that don’t involve hacking bits off are going by the wayside. in their place, exciting new ideas in dealing with criminal activity, ideas that aren’t constrained by cisheterowhitenormativecryptolibertarianpatriarchal concepts like “law and order.”

Man has hand ‘chopped off at the wrist after Whitechapel vigilantes corner him’

Any comments along the lines that summarily chopping off peoples hands in the streets is not a good idea means you are an -ist and a -phobe.


Note that the suspected thief is not from the same community/culture that lopped his hand off (reportedly a Caribbean import was caught trying to rob Bengali imports). So culturally specific responses to crime are not being restricted to members of that culture.


Enoch Intesifies

 Posted by at 1:40 am