Sep 142021

Why do I shrug at the “January 6” narrative? Because *actual* cases of terrorism and sedition like the one below go largely unreported by the media (certainly not getting the coverage of a Viking LARPer acting the fool in Congress), even though the actual events and actual motives were far worse than a bunch of chuckleheads wandering around the halls of power uninvited.

Former Washington state Democrat organizer federally convicted over terrorist attack on railroad

The attempt was made to cause trains carrying hazardous materials to derail and/or blow through road intersections without setting off the crossing guards, thus putting cars and trucks at risk of getting hit. Derailing a tanker train in a city is a good way to create a massive disaster. This was not just attempted murder, but attempted *multiple* murder in the service of leftist political goals.

 Posted by at 1:10 am