Dec 022009

I’m shocked, SHOCKED, to find Muslim fanatics are behind the intentional bombing of civilians.

North Caucasus group in Russia train bomb web claim

Doku Umarov, a Chechen, is considered the leader of the Islamist insurgency in the North Caucasus. He says he is fighting to expel Russian forces, and to turn the region into an Islamic emirate.

You know, a decade ago I was on the side of the Chechens, who wanted to drive the Russians off of their land. But for some reason, a little more than eight years ago my views on the matter started to change…

 Posted by at 11:14 am

  One Response to “Islamists claim bombing of Russian passenger train”

  1. JihadWatch is holding its annual Dhimmi and anti-Dhimmi of the year nominations. Needless to say, BHO is the first choice of at least half the commenters for American Dhimmi of the Year 😉 Pamela Geller is a prime choice for American anti-Dhimmi and Geert Wilders is doing a good job as International anti-Dhimmi, though there is more competition for those two positions.

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