Aug 122021

Imagine being this authoritarians, this arrogant and this pig-ignorant:

“We have rules, but I don’t want to have to go figure out what they are.”

Homeowner dealt with this about as well as she could have.

As an aside: if you do a Google search for “tigger flag,” as I did after hearing about the story, you’ll see a *lot* of headlines along these lines:

A white woman confronted her Black neighbor about a ‘Winnie the Pooh’ flag on her porch, according to a viral TikTok

‘Karen’ Gripes About Black Woman’s Flag

A white woman confronted her Black neighbor about a ‘Winnie the Pooh’ flag on her porch, according to a viral TikTok

Thus turning this from a bizarre story about a woman with an authoritarian belief in her right to tell people how to decorate, into a racial story, even though nowhere in the video do either of the participants say or do anything racial.

One wonders if the headline writers would be as quick to point out the race of the offender in a story about, say, a murder or a mugging if the color values were the reverse of this story.

 Posted by at 7:41 pm