Aug 032021

Unalloyed good news:

Missouri governor pardons gun-waving St. Louis lawyer couple

The McCloskeys were spotted daring to defend their home from a band of racist Marxism enablers a bit over a year ago. They, like the Kenosha Kid, should never have been charged with a crime; the fact that they were shows quite clearly the corruption that stains many district attorneys and prosecutors.


Mixed good/bad news:

Ammunition shelves bare as U.S. gun sales continue to soar

Bad news: continuing ammo shortage. Good news; continuing gun sales.

As the article mentions, the lack of ammo hampers first time gun owners from practicing. A modest suggestion: the US military manufactures its own ammo, and has a pretty massive stockpile; now that we’re bailing from Afghanistan, there is not so much immediate need. Perhaps the US government could do the right thing and start handing out free crates of ammunition to gun owners with clean criminal records. Certainly a better use of government resources than enforcing bans on evicting deadbeats.

 Posted by at 6:41 pm