Jun 242021


Biden touts new crime prevention strategy focused on gun control

“Those who say the blood of Patriots, you know, and all the stuff about how we’re gonna have to move against the government,” Biden said. “If you think you need to have weapons to take on the government, you need F-15s and maybe some nuclear weapons.”

Considering that the whole point of the Second Amendment is to make sure the people can take on a tyrannical government, Biden just admitted that the National Firearms Act is unconstitutional. I *really* hope that this gets before the USSC.

I’d love to see “the Biden Act” get passed that wipes away all the nonsensical gun control laws and restores the Constitutional rights of the citizenry. The downside of that would be that the ammo shortage we’ve got now would be *nothing* compared to what it will be when people can go to WalMart and get themselves a full auto MP5, go to the gun range and blow through a few hundred rounds in under a minute. All thanks to one demented old kiddysniffer accidentally speaking some truth…

Huge Spike In Americans Buying F-15s After Biden Suggests You’ll Need Them To Overthrow Government

The nation scrambled to buy F-15s and nuclear weapons after President Biden said in a speech Wednesday that you’ll never beat a government unless you have the fighter jets and intercontinental ballistic missiles.

All over the nation, American citizens were seen parking their brand-new F-15s in their driveways and garages. Some wealthier Americans purchased the F-22, while less fortunate citizens were forced to buy the F-35 joint fighter. But no matter what craft they chose, American citizens said they were just glad to finally be protected against a tyrannical government.

Image below not related. Or…. is it?

 Posted by at 4:52 am