Jun 242021

So apparently some kids set fire to a fireworks display at a HyVee in Eagan, Minnesota. I’ve seen fireworks fires before; when I lived in Colorado many, many years ago I came across the raging inferno that was a truck loaded with fireworks. It was a sight to behold, and the firefighters on scene did the only thing they could: stood the hell back. Fireworks come complete with their own oxidizer; you ain’t putting that ᛋᚻᛁᛏ out with water, believe you me. So when the HyVee fire started, an employee was spotted not doing a whole hell of a lot about it. Maybe because he couldn’t be bothered. And maybe because he was smart enough to know that there wasn’t jack he could do about it.

Side note: the news article I linked to points out that “youths” have been arrested for this. Hmmm. Eagan is part of Minneapolis, home of the Fentanyl Floyd Fires.

 Posted by at 2:16 am