May 062021

Oh, this looks like it’ll be an endless source of amusement:

Communist group touts plans to burn Anne Frank’s diary, calls her ‘bleach demon’

This groups website is jam-packed with whackaloonacy.

These racist goobers are trying to build a self-sufficient city of their own. Fine, great, wonderful. At an altitude of 10,000 feet in the Colorado Rockies. Snerk. I cannot express how much I support them in their efforts and wish them to gather as many of their like-minded ideologues as possible within the confines of their arid, anoxic little gulag. I imagine their ranks are just *filled* with all the talent they’ll need in the areas of high-altitude farming and irrigation and power generation and construction. I bet their first full winter there will be spectacular.

 Posted by at 11:21 pm