Apr 132021

Well, here’s a story I didn’t expect today, but here we are:

Steak-umm’s Twitter Account Feuds With Neil deGrasse Tyson Over Science: ‘Log Off Bro’

First, NdT tweeted:

The good thing about Science is that it’s true, whether or not you believe in it.

but then the Twitter account for Steak-Umm replied with:

log off bro


the irony of neil’s tweet is that by framing science itself as “true” he’s influencing people to be more skeptical of it in a time of unprecedented misinformation. science is an ever refining process to find truth, not a dogma. no matter his intent, this message isn’t helpful


And you know… they’re not wrong. Science is a *process,* not a pile of facts. The process has been shown to work, and work well; no “other way of knowing,” no supernatural or religious or intuitive revelation has proven to be *anywhere* near as useful when it comes to discovering how the world really is. But the findings of science are *always* up for revision and change as new data comes in. How far away is Betelgeuse? How old is the universe? What causes and cures such-and-such disease? When did the last mammoth die? These are questions with hard factual real answers… but we often don’t know them with precision or accuracy; science is forever adjusting.

 Posted by at 7:28 pm