Mar 232021

So as the new Harris/Biden administration came in, they and their allies in Congress started a push for new gun control, up to and including making it a federal crime to own what you already own. But there hasn’t been a lot of forward motion on these bills.

So all of a sudden…

1 Police Officer Among 10 Killed In Boulder King Soopers Shooting

Which follows on from:

8 Dead in Atlanta Spa Shootings, With Fears of Anti-Asian Bias

I suspect that the Alex Jones types will start yapping about these being planned attacks intended to bolster the gun grabber agenda. That seems incredibly unlikely to me, though the timing seems interesting. Less likely than Lefties planning and carrying out attacks like this is the idea that Lefties being in powwer drives whackos slightly more whacko.

Normal day-to-day murders do not float gun grabbers boat, because reasons. But mass shootings? They’ll be on that like a fat kid on a Twix. As a general rule, I never trust any politician or political movement or ideology that thrives on disaster and tragedy. But the fact that I don’t like ’em doesn’t mean they don’t exist or aren’t effective.

UPDATE: And the inevitable totalitarian power-grab:

Thought you were having difficulty finding ammo *now*?

 Posted by at 12:58 am