Britain got labelled the “Nanny State” because they have so many rules and laws designed to keep people ‘safe” while at the same time sucking all the fun out of life. But then this comes along:
Really? This is considered a good idea?
From the Centers for Disease Control:
Open-mouth kissing is considered a very low-risk activity for the transmission of HIV. However, prolonged open-mouth kissing could damage the mouth or lips and allow HIV to pass from an infected person to a partner and then enter the body through cuts or sores in the mouth. Because of this possible risk, the CDC recommends against open-mouth kissing with an infected partner.
So on the one hand, Britain is quashing basic human civil liberties in the interests of safety… but on the other hand, the British Red Cross is actually advocating doing something that they know can not only transmit a deadly, uncurable virus… the activity itself is a “gateway activity” that can lead to far more dangerous activities.
AIDS is a rather anomalous disease. Throughout history, when there was an outbreak of some viral or bacterial disease that killed people in vast numbers, societies dealt with it the best way they could… which was typically quarantine (and of course, a whole lot of superstitious – and often counter-productive – nonsense as well). Those who had the disease were expected to *not* engage in activities that would spread it further. But then AIDS comes along, and all the rules go out the window. Had there been a quarantine of those infected with AIDS back when HIV was first testable, AIDS in the west would by now be a distant memory. But no. Just as political correctness allowed Nidal to murder thirteen fellow Americans, political correctness has allowed AIDS to become a massive epidemic.
Kiss someone with AIDS? How about someone with ebola or smallpox? Sure, the chances of transmission are reduced, but Dead Is Dead.
Worst of all is not that this sort of PR bullcrap will lead the uninfected to think “It will be ok for me to kiss that person with the deadly infection,” the worst of it is that it will lead people with that deadly infection to think “I can kiss/make out with/boff whoever I like.”
Look. If you have AIDS, chances are *really* high that you got it not acidentally, but through unwise/downright stupid behavior. Sad for you. But it’s evil of you to engage in behavior that could spread it further. If your self gratification is more important to you than the lives of others… we really don’t need you in society.
One Response to “Nanny State Confusery”
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Why aren’t AIDS carriers isolated? We did that to TB people up until after WW2, and it worked. No, AIDS isn’t airborne, the way TB can be, but the carriers of HIV appear to lack the judgment that attends most normal folk, and they lack any sense of social consciousness that limits their personal needs.