Jan 052021

Well, *this* didn’t come to pass either. And in many ways… *good.* The monkeymotions the operator(s) has to go through to get the car into driverless mode would be too much for most people, then or now… and the idea of each car requiring a minute or more of a dedicated ground traffic controllers time is just nuts. A few million cars on the road would require a few hundred thousand controllers, most likely… possibly pushing close to one-to-one around rush hour. And everyone breaking out in song… yeesh. Families that sing together? Yeah, them days is gone, folks.

Something else: “dad” here looks like he’s well past 60, but he has a distinctly teenage daughter. How many families back then actually had Dad having kids so late… past 45, well into his fifties? This trope seems to pop up a *lot.*

Bonus: pre-digested food cooked by infra-red. Ummm… yum?

 Posted by at 4:03 pm