Dec 292020

As I’ve made mention numerous times over the years, I am – or at least was, back when I had the time – a builder of models. As such, I watched a lot of YouTube model building videos to pick up new skills, new ways of casting parts, new ways to paint details. A lot of the videos are pretty redundant of course… you can only watch so many vids on the dot filter process using oil paints, for example. Yet there are always new things to see. It’s good to sometimes step outside your own niche. Me, I’d build mostly airplane models, spacecraft, some sci-fi and, long ago, armor. Japanese anime characters? Giant fighting robot mechs? Meh, not for me. Nevertheless, sometimes it’s worth watching videos showing someone building and painting such models. Sometimes there are interesting things to see.

Sometimes two things.

 Posted by at 1:44 am