Dec 272020

In the long, long ago (i.e. December 2019, before the ChiComs and their stooges stomped the planetary economy into the dirt), Warner Brothers released a trailer for “Wonder Woman 1984.” The trailer was, IMO, freakin’ awesome. Behold the 1980’s in glorious ExtraColor:

I praised the trailer back then for its use of a modernized version of New Orders “Blue Monday.” I stand by that.

And today I managed to squeeze in time between research, reading, writing and other tasks to actually watch the movie.

I would’ve been better served to have taken a nap. The movie was a solid lump of meh. It’s 80’s-ness is to be seriously questions; there is a scene at the beginning set in a shopping mall, but after that the only indication that it’s not set *today* is the lack of smart phones (there are, however, quite a plethora of building-sized flat screen TV’s on display in major city centers… something I can’t say as I recall being all that common prit near 40 years ago).  And there is a distinct lack of writing, characterization and, importantly, giveadamn. Hell, there’s not even an arc for the villains. There are two… and they both simply walk away at the end.

This guy pretty well sums it up:

Something I’d been expecting was a lot of Orange Man Bad. But apart from a superficial similarity in hair-appearance, it just wasn’t there. The Maxwell Lord character just didn’t have anything in common with Trump.


 Posted by at 9:05 pm