Dec 222020

John Burk/Ross’ videos are usually a hoot. But this one is special.

At about the 2 minute mark he responds to the question “How many of your friends and family are you willing to sacrifice on your altar of “freedom”?”


“How many people have to die before I’m willing to sacrifice my, or somebody else’s, liberty just so you can feel safe? All of them. Your kids, your grandparents, your brother, your sister, your cousin that you’re having sexual relations with… every single one of them. Does that offend you? Good. Because I don’t care.”

Given that the Commie Cough seems to have maybe struck my family (will find out in a few days), the subject is of great import to me. And tyranny remains of great import to me. This pandemic will end. But tyranny could last far longer and cause much greater pain. No plague in the last five hundred years compares to the plague of democide in the last century.

 Posted by at 3:21 pm