Nov 172020

Scientists Create Meat from Human Cells But Claim It’s Not Cannibalism

Cells taken from a human are “lab grown” into a slab of meat. Is it cannibalism to consume that meat? How about if the cells are *yours* and the “lab” is a kitchen appliance in your own home?


That said… if it becomes that easy to grow a slab of humansteak, then it should be that easy to grow a slab of, say, buffalo or tuna or bald eagle Siberian tiger or white rhino or any endangered critter that may in fact be tasty. In the end it *might* end up being easier to grow hamburgers at home in a machine than to grow cows; al you’d need are starter cells and the growth nutrients, which can probably be mass produced by the kiloton. And then at long last humanities great dream of the extinction of cow kind can come to pass… because if humans weren’t ranching them, cows and sheep would have long since gone the way of the dodo and the passenger pigeon.

But, yeah,t here’s always gonna be some weirdo who grows himself to gnaw upon.

 Posted by at 11:27 am