Nov 152020

Can’t wait to see how successful his schemes to solve the Commie Cough, “gun violence,” global warming and the economy pan out.

Tax filings reveal Biden cancer charity spent millions on salaries, zero on research

Short from: Biden started The Biden Cancer Initiative in 2017. It brought in $4.8 million in 2017-18, spent $3.07 million on salaries. it has spent hundreds of thousands on conferences and travel and zero on research grants. Since Biden started his failed bid to become a respected cognitively-functional President, the “charity” has essentially ceased operations. So for two years it served as a means to pay “salaries” to a few people and little else. The charity’s president got $428 grand just in 2018, about a quarter of a million the year before.

Gotta respect the grift, I suppose.

All that said: I would be willing to serve on President Bidens Gun Violence Task Force. If it is run like his charity, I will end up raking in tons of cash and they’ll end up doing nothing towards infringing on Americans rights to keep and bear arms. Sounds like a win-win to me.

 Posted by at 11:17 am