Nov 112009

A few days back at the Hill Aerospace Museum, I saw this A-10 buzzing around.




 Posted by at 9:16 am

  5 Responses to “A-10”

  1. Yes! Always love to see a Hog doin’ its thang.

  2. Odd paint scheme on that one, almost like they were doing some sort of photo tests on it.

  3. I believe that is National Guard paint scheme, or may be a reconstruct not yet in its Sunday-go-to-meeting radar and laser defeating greens. Seen them in non-paint with NG squadrons.

  4. Stores separation clearance maybe? I say that because the dark paint might be there to hold down glare for the cameras. Odd, anyway.


  5. Note the outboard top of the wings are black also.
    If it was for visability, you would expect dayglo orange.
    Maybe they are trying out some sort of RAM or anti IR paint, or the aircraft is supposed to be something like a squadron leader?

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