Nov 032020

As I type this, Trump looks like he will win the electoral college. One of the remaining question marks that could determine the actual outcome is Pennsylvania, where at this writing 65% of the total votes have been counted, with the bulk of the remainder  likely to be “mail in” ballots. As I type this, the tallies are 2623695 for Trump, 1948417 for Biden. If I’ve done my math right, that means the total votes counted so far are 4572022 and the theoretical total vote count at 100% will be about 7033880. So for Biden to win 50% of the state, he will need to win an additional 1568513 votes, or about 63.7% of the remainder. Given that the mail in votes seem to come largely from urban areas like Philadelphia, winning two out of three of the votes outright does not seem impossible, but it’ll sure seem suspicious.

UPDATE, 2:30 AM (because of course it is): Some updated numbers… PA has 74% reporting, with 2964853 for Trump, 2286865 for Biden. Something like 1845198 votes left to count, of which Biden would need to win 68.3% of. The *trend* has been a steady improvement for Trump. A sudden reversal of fortune at this point would raise eyebrows.

 Posted by at 11:35 pm