Oct 022020

He and the FLOTUS have tested positive. A few thoughts, because of course there are:

1: Took long enough. I expected this *months* ago.

2: He’s old. This could well be bad for him. Could end up with Pence vs Biden.

3: If it does go badly for him, Trump will be the first President since Kennedy to be killed by communists.

4: Even if he only has a mild case, the next month is going to be even more spectacularly bonkers.

5: The conspiracy nuts are going to have a field day with this:

  •       “He doesn’t really have it, it’s just a campaign ploy.”
  •       “He doesn’t really have it, he’d just in the pocket of The Mask-Industrial Complex.”
  •       “He contracted it on purpose at just this moment to garner sympathy votes or to get out of the next debate.”

Now is the time for those who enjoy such activities to scour Twitter and Instragram and Facebook and whatnot for all the gloating posts by those who wish death upon Trump & Co. Such posts will live forever, long after the posters are made to realize that such things are not a good look.

 Posted by at 1:56 am