Sep 302020

I watched the debate last night. I sat there aghast the whole time thinking “This. This, right here… this is a ᛋᚺᛁᛏ show.” Now, it seemed to me that whoever was in charge of getting Gropey Joe his meds was on the ball; he didn’t have as many senior moments as I expected. But I think Trump… man, I dunno. He was a little too Trumpey, I thought. But what the hell do I know. I thought sure he was doomed to utter defeat in 2016, and instead Hillary is now a minor footnote in the annals of political corruption.

Trump is, in my opinion, a rather horrible person. Why? Because of his behavior. But Biden? He is also a horrible person… because of his politics, who he pals around with, who he enables and supports. As much of a clown as Trump is, his *policies* are pretty damn good. Gropey Joe certainly would not have given us the USSF. What he would give us is the Harris Administration, which is on course towards getting that Civil War II underway. So… if it’s the choice between a vulgarian boor with sensible policies and a Creepy Comrade, I’m’a voting for the clown.

And it’s clear that the performance enhancers that Biden was on that allowed him to more or less withstand Trump last night have faded off today:

 Posted by at 1:54 pm