Nov 082009

After America entered WWII, what happened to American Nazi Party members who stood on streetcorners and spouted pro-Nazi bullcrap? Why should things be so different today, when Islamofascists such as these stand on the streets of New York City and preach the murder of Americans?

Note the the idjit with the big mouth is not some import from overseas, but some dumbass white kid who has been not only Islamicized, but radicalized.

Note also that he is *not* alone, but has quite a number of fellow Jihadis with him, shouting “Allahu Ackbar.”

Even CNN has picked up on this.

Free speech is important in America. But just as  shouting “fire” in a crowded theater is not protected speech (when there is no fire, that is), I believe it’s fair to begin to question whether shouting “Allahu Ackbar” in a public space is fair cause for a physical response. My recommendation for the moment is that there *should* be a response to these jackholes spouting their whackjob philosophy… and that response should come from Muslims. Muslims who want America to not turn on their religion and drive them from our shores had best deal with this cancer in their midst. The United States is not Europe… we don’t explode into periodic spasms of genocide. But as Pearl Harbor showed, if you push us far enough, we can take actions against whole groups.


 Posted by at 9:25 am

  3 Responses to “It Can Happen Here”

  1. Free speech has nothing to do with it. Multiculturalism is a disease that’s more advanced in Europe and is rapidly pushing it either to fascism or to an islamic state. The disease isn’t as advanced here, but until we fix the culture and ban MC we’re next on the menu.

  2. Ever wonder where they learn this multiculturalism? The American education system has failed to be American.

    A few years ago I took a class called “Islam and the West.” The instructor was a British chap who is an advisor to the British government (he said some of this memos were so secret he wasn’t allowed to have copies!). What I learned from that class was that Islam is a religion isn’t truly a religion. Islam is a political philosophy that suits best those who feel inadequate to function in society.

    The reason that guy was standing on the corner is that only Muslims understand that there’s a war going on. The average American has no idea how serious the matter has come to be.

  3. I would say it is not terribly serious in America (yet). Our Muslim minority is very small, our population as a whole does not have a great deal of sympathy for multiculturalism whatever the newspapers imply, and our replacement rate is sufficiently high that the demographics should not significantly change in the next few decades. I was recently reading a book by Christoper Caldwell on Muslims in Europe, and he pointed out that just because the pressure to conform is not easily visible in the States, doesn’t mean it isn’t there. “You’re allowed to practice your culture, but if that culture is one that prevents you from speaking English properly, or showing up to work on time, first you will go hungry. Then you will go home. No one will miss you.” (close paraphrase)

    In Europe though, it is getting to be pretty darn serious. Britain is practically bending over backward to accomodate its Muslim population, Denmark was forced to really clamp down on its immigration laws, the social welfare teat is such that Muslims (who tend to be lower-income) are able to extort a great deal out of the Europeans in the name of “helping the less fortunate”, and their replacement rates are such that demographics are a serious concern. Plus, the fact that people are allowed to move freely between EU countries means that immigrants are able to make their way to whichever country in the EU is most likely to let them in and grant them citizen status, then are free to move around the EU as they please.

    It’s a terrible thought, but a part of me hopes that the European welfare states will sufficently degenerate into chaos in time to irrevocably prove to America what happens when you turn into a nanny socialist welfare state. Our country is walking down a very nasty path under Obama, and one of the best defenses of that path is that for people who only look at the surface of things, Europe is farther along that path than we are and seems to be doing just fine. Just as the collapse of the USSR proved once and for all that Communism doesn’t work, perhaps it will take the collapse of Europe to prove once and for all that Socialism, no matter how well-intentioned and pleasantly carried out, doesn’t work either.

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