Nov 072009

Oddly, the New York Times does some actual reporting…

Sergeant Munley – a woman with a fierce love of hunting, surfing and other outdoor sports – bolted from her car, yanked her pistol out and shot at Major Hasan. He turned on her and began to fire. She ran toward him, continuing to fire, and both she and Major Hasan went down with several bullet wounds, Mr. Medley said.

For a number of reasons, I hope that the jihadist Hasan survives and recovers with his brain intact. The primary reason is so that he can be pumped for all the data that can be wrung out of him, to help future profilers find his fellow travellers in before they cause trouble. But secondly, I hope he lives so that he can be daily remined that he was taken down by a chick. With luck, this, and other fun excercies that the CIA could plan for him, will break him. Turn him into a pathetic, ruined wreck of a man, capable of little more than fear and weeping and shame. And then broadcast videos of that far and wide.

I suspect a video of him crying hysterically while being laughed at by female jail guards as he wears his little stained pink jammies covered in cartoon piggies would be both massively entertaining and useful propaganda. “Mess with us… and we’ll set out *women* loose on you.”

 Posted by at 12:11 pm

  3 Responses to “She Ran to Gunfire, and Ended It”

  1. Yeah that’d be great. I could almost see The Messiah apologizing to him though what with him being “the victim” and all. Personally I think the douchbag ought to be flayed alive and left for the vultures but that’s just me.

  2. What could be worse for him than to be rendered helpless by an infidel woman?

  3. What could be ‘worse’ for him? According to reports he’s paralyzed and that is probably permanent. IIRC you don’t get into ‘heaven’ if you are physically disabled, the probable “fact” that he was at the time trying to martyr himself while taking out ‘infidels’ and FAILED as well as being taken out by a “woman” is all going to count against him when he has to explain things to “Allah”.

    Oh being he was on “active-duty” when this all happened means he’s going to be facing a fireing squad… Usually. But it would actually be WORSE for him, (again the ‘failed-martyr’ thing) to be imprisioned for life in the state he’s in :o)


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