Aug 302020

Athletes No Longer Playing Games: Historic Moment in Sports as Teams, Players Protest Racial Injustice by Refusing to Take Court, Field

It seems sportsball-playing millionaires are deciding to take a little extra time off, and are using rare incidents as an excuse. My favorite quote from the piece:

Tennis champion Naomi Osaka, whose father is Haitian and mother is Japanese but has lived in the U.S. since she was three, took to Twitter to announce she would not compete in the semifinal of the Western & Southern Open Thursday saying “continued genocide of Black people at the hand of police is honestly making me sick to my stomach.”

“Genocide.” That’s awesome.

What do you want to be that they still want to get *paid?* Maybe the thing to do is for people to simply decide to set professional sports aside for, oh, three or four years. Wipe the slate clean, let it sit fallow for a few years, start fresh in a few years. Same with Star Trek.

 Posted by at 2:48 pm