Nov 062009

Yesterday Obama interrupted his busy schedule to address the nation in the aftermath of the Fort Hood massacre. But… it kinda took him a while to get to the point. He was at some event, so in the course of his address he spoke about the other people/events he was there to schmooze. Fine. But under the circumstances… shouldn’t the ass-kissing come *after* the important message? But not with this address… networks across the land broke into their programming to carry Obamas words live, and got treated to two minutes of back-slapping and ass-kissing and cheerfulness before getting to the damned point.

And then there’s this:

Muslim major screamed ‘Allahu Akbar’ before slaughtering 13 at Ft. Hood

 Posted by at 9:32 am

  6 Responses to “Lamest Presidential address EVAR”

  1. This Kimberly Munley girl sounds like a badass!

  2. I made a snide comment on my facebook page about how the big strong Muslim got taken down by a girl. I’m sure that’s contorting the jihadists’ brains into all kinds of interesting shapes right now.


  3. Yep, Barri has a major priority problem, and now he is trotting all over the place overcompensating for his stupidity.

    And yes, Muslims are most likely planning to release fatwas for the death of the woman cop. A shem’ar can not be allowed to live, ya know.

  4. I can probably guess what a shem’ar is, but an offical description would be better if you don’t mind. Google is not cooperating with me (it keeps asking me if I really want “shemar” and bringing up someone named “Shemar Moore”).

  5. Of course if you look at the transcripts and facts, it is sad that he can’t even get his smoozing right. He talks about Dr. Joe Medicine Crow Congressional Medal of Honor (Highest Military Valor award) winner, when what he gave the man oh what 3 months ago was the Medal of Freedom(Highest Civilian award).

  6. >he can’t even get his smoozing right.

    It’s not his fault. The teleprompter *lied* to him!

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