Jul 112020

The big news – apart from whatever Trump is tweeting about, Bidens handlers are telling the press to ignore, and the rise of the fascist Marxists – is the Commie Cough and how the United States is doing such a monumentally, criminally bad job of handling the pandemic that the ChiComs dumped on us. To buttress that narrative, the data generally pointed out is new cases per day, which does indeed look bad (per http://www.91-divoc.com/pages/covid-visualization/):

And the *total* number of cases normalized by population:

In both cases, the US looks *really* bad. We are right near the top of the chart in terms of the percent of our population that has caught the Pinko Pox and continues to come down with it. We looks like the freakin’ third world. But then… there’s another metric that seems kinda important that doesn’t seem to get mentioned so much… the mortality rate. BEHOLD:

The US has a current mortality rate of about 4%, with a max near 6%. That’s bad…. but it’s also the lowest one on the chart. Canada is 8%. Sweden more than 7%. Italy is above 14%, France above 15% and Britain and Belgium are pushing 16%.

The data seems to indicate that more Americans are catching WuFlu, but fewer are dying. I suspect the truth is more along the lines of differences in testing and reporting. But if it’s therefore not accurate to say that the US is doing better than everybody in the mortality sweepstakes, then it’s equally invalid to ramble on about how bad we such in preventing the pandemic in the first place.

 Posted by at 12:34 am