Jul 012020

After the occasional blog problem and a few days ago actually losing access to my email, I’m wondering if I should sign up for something like Twitter. It’s a cesspit of insanity, to be sure. But it would be an alternate way to maintain some sort of contact the next time some irritating technological flub takes out one or more of my existing systems. My thinking is that it would simply be used to post, say, one aerospace image a day, harvesting them from my blog, except for times when I need to communicate “I ain’t dead” or some such.

And if I do… do I sign on to Twitter? Gab? Parler? I signed on to Facebook *years* ago, but it is frankly a PITA to use. Twitter is someplace that I can’t see lasting too long… eventually I’ll get banned. Parler and Gab seem to obvious alternatives, but anyone there is automatically assumed to be alt-right or fascist or whatever, and there certainly do seem to be a lot of conspiracy and anti-Semitic whackaloons there.


 Posted by at 11:35 pm