Nov 022009

Now available is a Consolidated-Vultee diagram for a B-36 display model. The diagrams shows the shapes and contours of all major componants, and is of “no scale” (meaning the drawing was not meant to be used for only a single scale, but was to be enlarged as appropriate). The drawing was scanned in pieces and painstakingly re-assembled digitally.

The drawing is in full color and is 7566X4126 pixels, and comes with a half-size version for easier viewing and printing… as well as cleaned-up grayscale versions.

The B-36 display model drawing can be downloaded for $5.50.


 Posted by at 9:00 pm

  2 Responses to “New Aircraft Drawing: B-36 scale model blueprint”

  1. I am interested in the Boeing 733-197 drawing. Is that in the works? Thank you.

  2. > Is that in the works?

    Yes. My first scans of it and the other SSTs were disappointing, so I’ve got to do them again. Bah.

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