Jul 062008

Been busy framing the prints I’ve had made, starting with the easier ones (ready-made frames that fit panoramas being somewhat difficult to find). I’m contemplating having something of an “open house” for my neighbors, as well as signing up for a few of the local art fairs and such.

Turns out that I have a catalog of 20 distinctly separate photos. That’s more than I expected. I’ll eventually set up a page for the photos, possibly on a whole new non-up-ship website. If any of the prints you see here interest you, framed or unframed, just let me know.

Irritatingly, the blog setup won’t let me post thumbnails (the images are too big, I guess). So click the links to see…



Additional note: Here are the first art critics, including one of the models. Their verdict: “good enough to not poop on.”img_0082a.jpg

 Posted by at 8:07 pm

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